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1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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Body Transformation

sculpt your physique & boost your confidence

Access expertise that has supported numerous elite athletes in optimising body composition.

If you want to transform your physique, you’ve come to the right place. Muscle gain and fat loss are common physical goals but often the hardest to achieve. Receive the very best in strength and conditioning coaching to achieve the body you desire. 

Gain Muscle

Maximise your genetic potential through scientific programming.

Reduce fat

Shred those stubborn kilos with step by step support.

Boost Confidence

Experience the rewards of a leaner, more muscular and healthier you.

Building lean muscle is a challenging endeavor. Access scientifically underpinned knowledge to stimulate  muscle growth and maximise your genetic potential. Through expert strength training prescription that is individualised based upon your training age and injury history, you will begin the process of muscle building in targeted parts of the body. This expertise has been instrumental in helping numerous elite athletes build lean muscle for sporting performance. Similarly, reducing fat mass can be a daunting task for many, making expert guidance essential. This may be achieved through a combination of strength training and metabolic conditioning. Whether your body composition goal is muscle gain or fat loss, a structured strength and conditioning programme will guide you every set of the way to become the most muscular and leanest version off yourself, whilst you enjoy the transformative journey.  

Training alone may only produce half the results. Aligning your nutritional intake to your body composition goals is essential for achieving your goals. Utilise nutrition support to ensure that you’ve left no stone unturned in your path to success. In addition, undergo a body composition assessment (see physical assessment section) to objectively track your progress and give you confidence that your hard work is producing the results that you want.  

Schedule a Consultation 

If you are looking to embark on a transformative journey to sculpt your physique and boost your confidence, please contact me for an initial consultation to discuss your goal.
